Post 2: Why did you choose your career


I have chosen psycology over any other career because this was always a very special topic for me. Even when i was a toddler, i always was searching for new things to learn. I was fascinated by the human behavior and the reasons behind those behaviors. But the main reason, i think, to choosen this particular career is because i have BPD and the absolute mistery around it puzzles me. Because of this I want to research about this disorder in order to learn more about myself, help other people in need, unveil de mysteries and contribute to let this mental disorder be known so people can be understood and less judged.

I used to waste full days watching psycology experiments on youtube, even interviews of patients with some mental disorder.  A nice child memory that i have is doing random test that i found on the internet to my family and friends haha.

The only other career that i would choose is law school. The practical applications of what you learn in law school is amazing. The world need the law to work, and having the ability to move you and others around and inside is astounding.

About my experience, at first it was very hard. My high school didnt prepare me for the university, so was very difficult to me lear how to read and write properly. But once i took the rythm, it got easier and easier.

At least, once i got my degree, i wish to bring the psycology to the lower classes. Bring mental healthcare closer to people who cant afford it. Maybe got me a master degree too :)


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