Answering to the question: What is my favorite piece of tech?

 Hello again world, today I want to talk about a specific topic that is technology, nowadays we are all surrounded by tech in almost all aspects of our lives, and specially for me because as a millenial, it has been always around, and I have always felt really confortable around it, and sincerly... I can´t image a life without it, as how I said, is it in my everyday life activities, like when I wake up for example, I have an alarm set in my cell phone and everytime I forget to charge it at night I always oversleep. But if I have to answer the question: What is my favorite piece of technology? I would choose my computer. because since I got it as a prize from a state scholarship, I have used it ever since, I use it for doing my emails, my homeworks, when I want to watch a movie (because I dont have a TV screen at my bedroom). So I always carry it around me, even when I stay at a friends house. So I would finish this post saying, I'm a complete cyborg as I would not be able to do my normal life without my computer or a substitute.


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