my bestfriend

 Good afternoon web surfers, today I will talk to you about a very special topic for me... my best friend in the world.

Her name is Karla Nuñez , she is twenty years old and already has the prettiest red hair that my eyes have ever seen. She has a very gothic personality, she always wears black clothes, red lipstick and black polish, she is full of tattoos and claims herself to be a witch.

I met her when I was fourteen years old because she was the girlfriend of my cousin and we all live really close to each other, so we spent a lot of time together.

I consider her to be my best friend, because she is always for me when I need her and always tries to cheer me up when I’m down.

my best memory with her is when we were sitting together on the pavement while smoking and laughing and the sun was rising.


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